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  • Physical parameters collected during the ABBACO oceanographic campaign, in the Bagnoli Bay during July 2018 and in February, March, May, July, September and October 2019. The sampling parameters are temperature (°C), conductivity, oxygen (% sat; ml/l), transmittance (%), Ph, fluorescence (RFU), turbidity, salinity and density. The parameters are collected over the entire water column.

  • Physical parameters collected during the ABBACO oceanographic campaign, in the Bagnoli Bay during July 2018 and in February, March, May, July, September and October 2019. The sampling parameters are temperature (°C), conductivity, oxygen (% sat; ml/l), transmittance (%), Ph, fluorescence (RFU), turbidity, salinity and density. The parameters are collected over the entire water column.

  • Physical parameters collected during the FEAMP oceanographic campaign, in the Gulf of Gaeta (09 and 10 September 2020), Gulf of Naples (17 and 18 September 2020) and Gulf of Salerno (06 and 09 October 2020). The sampling parameters are temperature (Tv290C), conductivity (C0mS/cm), salinity (Sal00), density (Sigma-é00), oxygen (Sbeox0PS; Sbeox0ML/L), ph, transmittance (CStarTr0; CStarAt0), turbidity (TurbflTC0) and fluorescence (FlECO-AFL). The parameters are collected over the entire water column.