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    Records of marine benthic species protected by the Directive Habitat in Campania

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    The “Camp_fleet_tech” dataset provides information on the fishing fleet of the Campania region. The dataset is constituted by georeferenced data about the fishing vessels that are present in the region according to their registration place, in .shp format. The “Fleet Register” dataset from the European Commission lists each fishing vessel registered in an EU’s country, including information on their identification codes, registration place, length, tonnage, engine power and gear types used. The “Fleet Register” dataset was downloaded at The whole “Fleet Register” was subset to keep only the data on vessels registered in Campania. Among all columns of the original dataset, exclusively the ones of interest were retained. This filtered dataset was then handled by data analysis tools to produce a new dataset according to the need to organize the data on the fishing fleet by localities. The dataset includes the registration places and their spatial coordinates. The other fields provide information about technical features of the vessels registered at each locality: Length Overall (LOA), Gross Tonnage (GT) and engine power. The vessels technical features (fields) were categorized according to Eurostat reference metadata, provided about the “Fleet Register” dataset at The dataset provides the number of vessels falling under a specific category, for each feature and each registration place. Eg. 38 fishing vessels of length ranging from 6 to 8.99 meters are registered in Naples. The “Camp_fleet_tech” dataset was handled using ArcGis to produce the final shapefile: “Campl_fleet_tech.shp”.

  • The “Camp_fleet_gears” dataset provides information on the fishing fleet of the Campania region. The dataset is constituted by georeferenced data about the fishing vessels that are present in the region according to their registration place, in .shp format. The “Fleet Register” dataset from the European Commission lists each fishing vessel registered in an EU’s country, including information on their identification codes, registration place, length, tonnage, engine power and gear types used. The “Fleet Register” was downloaded at The whole “Fleet Register” was subset to keep only the data on vessels registered in Campania. Among all columns of the original dataset, exclusively the ones of interest were retained. This filtered dataset was then handled by data analysis tools to produce a new dataset according to the need to create spatial georeferenced data organized by localities. The dataset includes the registration places and their spatial coordinates. The other fields include the gear types used. Since the fishing techniques represent an important source of variability in terms of environmental impact, a great precision level was required, and the gear types described at were considered individually. Both the main and the subsidiary fishing gear type are reported, and the total sum of vessels having a particular gear type on board was calculated. Eg. Among the vessels registered at Naples, 14 declares the GNS (Set (anchored) gillnets) as main gear type, 31 as subsidiary gear type, 45 vessels are equipped with GNS gear types in total. The “Camp_fleet_gears” dataset was handled using ArcGis to produce the final shapefiles: “Camp_fleet_gears.shp”.

  • A bibliographic review was performed for all published records of non-indigenous species (alien, cryptogenic and neonative) for the Campania region. The data include location, date, depth, number of specimens per record, potential routes of introduction and relative references.