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  • Participatory mapping of small-scale fishing. Small-scale fishing effort is provided with a resolution of 0.01°*0.01°, in terms of fishing days, related employed gear, and targeted species.

  • Categories  

    Density of AIS signal (number of pings) and estimated fishing activities (in fishing hours) of bottom otter trawl (OTB) and purse seine (PS) from AIS 2019 in the study area. The estimation of fihsing effort include also fishing activity estimated by gaps analysis and by fleet segments - 1km grid resolution. All grid cells with estimated fishing effort less than 0.3 hours were excluded.

  • Categories  

    Monthly density of AIS signal (number of pings) and estimated fishing activities (in fishing hours) of bottom otter trawl (OTB) and purse seine (PS) from AIS 2019 in the study area - 1km grid resolution. All grid cells with estimated fishing effort less than 0.3 fishing hours were excluded.

  • Categories  

    Density of AIS signal (number of pings) and estimated fishing activities (in fishing hours) of bottom otter trawl (OTB) and purse seine (PS) from AIS 2019 in GSA 10 - 5km grid resolution. All grid cells with estimated fishing effort less than 0.5 were excluded.

  • Participatory mapping of small-scale fishing. Small-scale fishing effort is provided in the form of polygons, drawn by fishermen during the interviews on the standardized grid for the cartographic mapping of the answers, and later digitalized. The dataset contains information about the fishing effort in terms of fishing days (per month and per year), related gear, and targeted species.